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Pharma Companies get Innovative, use Indegene's App for Apple Watch for Ethical Marketing and Reaching out to Doctors​

30 Sep 2015

Necessity is the mother of all invention. Pharmaceuticals industry just got innovative in reaching out to doctors with the latest app for Apple Watch...

Necessity is the mother of all invention. Pharmaceuticals industry just got innovative in reaching out to doctors with the latest app for Apple Watch under the Ethical Marketing norms. Developed by Indegene, the leading provider of healthcare solutions to the global pharmaceuticals industry, medical insurers and hospitals in the US, has developed the latest app for the Apple Watch for the healthcare industry to engage with doctors. This app augurs well for the Pharma industry already reeling under pressures of compliance norms for ethical marketing to doctors.

According to Manish Gupta, CEO, Indegene, Wearable is a part of Indegene Product innovation focus for both Multi-Channel Marketing for Pharma companies and for US med insurers and hospitals. Given Indegene edge with highly sophisticated healthcare solutions, it is most natural and to our differentiating advantage, to converge at the intersection of enterprise communication and healthcare. Our design team based in Los Angeles pioneered the wearable technology idea.

Indegene app can quickly and intelligently route relevant information through the best channels in order to allow its customers to take the best actions on their terms. Furthermore, the data being generated by wearables will predictably become another vital source for Indegene Big Data analytics business and business intelligence emphasis. Indegene analytics and technology solutions business is aiming to capture a significant pie of the burgeoning USD 10 Tn global healthcare market.

The global pharmaceuticals industry is witnessing digital transformation of its sales and marketing (SM) efforts with approximately 40% of their USD 250 billion SM spends being diverted to creating a multi channel engagement model with doctors. Cost and compliance pressures coupled with the post patent cliff scenario has pushed pharma companies to look for alternate models to reach out to the doctors while the sales reps continue to be at the pivot of this engagement.

Indegene Apple Watch app will enhance sales reps; productivity and communication effectiveness in receiving timely geo and temporal aware notifications on all screens and devices. The notifications from doctors may be patient and medical care information on drug interactions, safety alerts, and label changes.The Indegene app allows Glancification – the ability to effectively consume information in high precision, and with high context in a single glance.This will help real-time interaction and multichannel response to doctors.

Another significant usage of Indegene Apple Watch App is for the US medical insurers, doctors and patients especially under the recently introduced Affordable Healthcare Act. The app will ensure effective drug adherence programs, health and fitness tracking that has a significant bearing on med insurers, reimbursements and premiums and finally patient health outcomes. The patients outcome data can improve the efficacy of products and services and provide a much deeper healthcare via integrated doctor interactions.

Amongst the early adopters of Indegene app will be the large pharmaceutical companies from the US and EU as the clearly see the productivity benefit and a more engaged doctors population for specific drugs.

About Indegene

Indegene enables global healthcare organizations address complex challenges by seamlessly integrating analytics, technology, operations and medical expertise (ATOM). Indegene IP based solutions help clients drive revenues and productivity by making giant leaps in digital transformation, customer engagement, health reform, healthcare cost reduction, and health outcomes improvement.

Indegene works with over 85 global customers including bio-tech companies, medical device manufacturers, life science organizations, health plans, accountable care organizations, healthcare co-ops, and provider organizations. Indegene offers Medical, Marketing, Risk, Healthcare Quality, Clinical Effectiveness, and Care Management solutions through a comprehensive portfolio of solutions and technology platforms.

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