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The Difference an Empowered Workplace Makes

5 Aug 2021

This October, I will complete 3 years at Indegene, and I am thrilled to still be excited about my work. A big reason for that is the empowering culture at Indegene. I feel I have been given the freedom to grow, to be true to myself, and to be authentic. I believe this is what makes the company so strong, that it is very much about understanding people's strengths and desires and empowering them to leverage their passion to make a positive impact. When you show people that you respect and value them, people will want to give their best. When I know my work is appreciated, I want to do more. It is such a simple equation, but so few places actually have it figured out.

Often, organizations hire people and put them in a box, suffocating their potential. By not being squeezed into a box here, I have enough room to let my ideas grow. Nothing is off the table. Do not get me wrong; that does not mean everything is necessarily going to come to life, but it is the willingness to listen, encourage, and support ideas that is hard to find elsewhere.

Before working at Indegene, I had the chance to work side by side with a couple of Indegeons. I was impressed by them, and when the opportunity to join Indegene came my way, I was happy to take the job. But the turning point for me was my manager; I believe he saw my passion and dedication to making things better and decided to nurture that. Between him and Indegene, they unlocked my potential and I have blossomed from there.

My primary role is Multichannel Marketing Operations. I am responsible for bringing data-driven smart solutions across the multichannel experience from strategy to execution in an effective and efficient way. I am part of a core group of teammates who started the engagement I am working on now. We decided to take a different approach to the operating model and have seen a lot of success with it. So, at present, I am part of a project to standardize processes and documentation in an effort to scale the model. I believe that a lot of this success is due to being empowered to see ideas through.

Not everything that can be applied in a real-world healthcare setting can be utilized within a Every day I am impressed by who I work with at Indegene. There is an enormous wealth of knowledge among my teammates. I learn something new every day, and I love that. Working with people who are like minded contributes to our success. We understand that we are here to do something great together and we play off one another's strengths. I might work on something that may not be in my area of expertise, but I can pull in the necessary people who do have this expertise and vice versa. When we collaborate as a team and are empowered to make the best decisions for our clients, I feel a true sense of purpose.

This may sound cliché, but sometimes I have to pinch myself and ask if this is real. We have grown significantly in the past year, and I previously wondered if we could sustain our small company feel at this rate of growth. It has been really great to see that, culturally, there has been no impact. I will even say that the culture has only strengthened. Perhaps in bringing talent in, the company is looking for like-minded people who want to embrace being part of a culture like this.

When I interview people for my team, I want to attract people who push the envelope and who are willing to speak up and say, “I have an idea to make something better.” I want people who enjoy working with people and who understand the power of putting our minds together. I want people to be passionate and enjoy what they do. I will give you an example. One of my colleagues does stand-up comedy as a hobby. She is a very passionate person. So, we kick off our weekly internal status meeting with a joke from her. I love that she brings this to the table. I love that we can celebrate one another on a personal and professional level. This is what inclusivity truly means.

I wanted to work somewhere where I felt I had a purpose and I feel that here. It is about learning and growing together; it is about collaborating on how we can do things better; it is about respecting, empowering, and challenging one another to be the best we can be. It is not just about being the best in the industry simply to say we are the best. It is about being trusted to deliver the best for patients and healthcare providers so that we can change lives.


Heidi Rapach
Heidi Rapach