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Light up your omnichannel strategy: a fireside chat about activating your data for success

20 Oct 2022

Build a solid foundation for an omnichannel strategy

In recent years, omnichannel activation has become a key go-to-market strategy but implementing an omnichannel activation plan for a new company can be a challenge. At theIndegene Digital Summit 2022, Ashish Jajoo, Head of Digital Marketing and Tail Product Strategy at Viatris shared his insights on the topic and how life sciences organizations capitalize on their omnichannel strategy. Summarized below are the key highlights from his session.

An omnichannel activation strategy provides the opportunity to create highly targeted content and deliver it through channels that are personalized to your audience. Implementing a comprehensive new strategy can be complicated, but Ashish Jajoo offers several steps that you can follow to make it a reality.

  1. Evaluate your portfolio and define your vision
  2. Decide what “good” looks like for your organization
  3. Determine your marketing technology stack
  4. Clarify your customer journeys to create content
  5. Decide how you will measure the success of your strategy

“Walk before you run, and really get your foundation in place.” - Jay Schwartz, VP of Customer Engagement at Indegene

Activate your omnichannel strategy

While it may be tempting to wait until you have everything set up perfectly, “perfect” can be the enemy of “good.” Remember that you can take time to implement your omnichannel strategy in multiple phases as long as you have your foundation in place.

When you’re ready to activate your omnichannel strategy, it is essential to energize your data. Just like innovation is the key to transformation, data activation is a fundamental part of a digital strategy. Use your data to make decisions, and then let those decisions lead you to knowledge you can act on.

Finally, measuring the performance of your channels is a vital part of the process, but don’t worry too much about industry benchmarks, says Ashish. The industry is not your company, and your focus should be on how you are performing and how you are meeting your goals.

Capitalize on your omnichannel strategy

One advantage of an omnichannel strategy is the opportunity to build meaningful digital relationships with Health Care Professionals (HCPs). If you can keep things simple and create interactions that are personalized and contextualized for the customer, you will gain their trust. One huge benefit of building trust is that it allows you simply to remind them you are there rather than having to sell them something.

In a global economy, it can be tempting to think of your omnichannel strategy in terms of the global marketplace. But in reality, there is no country that is called global, and activation happens locally. Especially when we are creating a personalized omnichannel strategy, it is essential to remember that the individual is your target audience. Keeping their persona in mind is the foundation of the omnichannel approach. Since content, customer journeys, and governance requirements may vary across markets, each omnichannel strategy must align with the customers it is serving.

You can successfully activate your strategy if you make sure that your global priorities and your local priorities are aligned. That is why it is so important to lay the groundwork for your vision when you begin implementing your omnichannel strategy. With a clear picture of your goals at the outset, you will more easily be able to align your local and global priorities.

"What you look at the world map, there is no country called 'Global'. Activation happens locally." - Ashish Jajoo, Head of Digital Marketing and Tail Product Strategy at Viatris

Implement an omnichannel strategy now

This is a great time to start your omnichannel progression because you can move very rapidly. Ashish Jajoo calls this the “late-mover advantage.” The technologies, platforms, and capabilities are vastly different now compared to what was available 15 years ago. While earlier companies may have a technological debt, new organizations do not have to spend time negotiating older technologies. Leveraging the most modern technologies available means that the time to market can be both quick and cost effective.

Omnichannel activation is really the art of the possible. With careful planning and a solid foundation, you can develop personalized customer relationships based on trust and activate your data to help you make informed decisions. You can also pair your field force approach with digital strategies to maximize your impact and optimize your investment.