
Who We Are
Investor RelationsNews

A global pharmaceutical company achieves effective and efficient literature surveillance for targeted therapy areas​

The Customer

A global biopharmaceutical company focused on developing life-changing therapies for people living with rare disorders.


  • The client was finding it hard to track and monitor updates in specific therapy areas periodically due to the massive volume of publications published every day.​

    The client required support to maintain expertise in monitoring and evaluating literature for scientific relevance, PV Safety reporting, and other needs within specific therapy areas.​

    The requirement included effective search and evaluation of relevant literature and down selecting and presenting relevant cases summarized into consolidated reports.​

The Solution

Deployed a literature specialist team and adopted the following approach

Coining keywords, search strings, and search strategy for each indication and setting up alerts in scientific databases (EMBASE, PubMed, and Google scholar) to receive alerts daily​

Daily activities included collation of alerts from all databases, de-duplication, analyzing of publications based on pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, preparing daily emailer for each indication, and sharing with the client by their morning time​

Preparing the monthly report for each indication. Preparing the reference binder by including the full texts for all the selected publications and also uploading those full texts to Mendeley​

Reviewing each search strategy on a bi-annual basis to ensure its comprehensiveness ​


Recurring surveillance and reporting helped the client team stay abreast of changes/updates in the targeted therapy area for client and competitor molecules under development. Further, this hub model setup reduced the time and cost of delivering literature reviews. Quality improvements and enhanced audit readiness were achieved with enhanced visibility into the literature portfolio and team productivity.


Cost reduction


Regulatory and timeline compliance


Accurate identification and management of literature