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Enhancing brand launch with patient insights and real-world data​

Executive Summary
Getting product launches right has always been a challenge for pharmaceutical organizations. The product rarely gets closer to the forecasted sales as it matures. Multiple roadblocks play a role here, including growing competition, limited market access, and changing expectations among patients and physicians. Needless to say, the COVID-19 pandemic has further complicated launch strategies with new restrictions and regulations.
So how do you maximize your chances of success in this environment?
While organizations may not be able to factor in every uncertainty while crafting their launch strategy, they can leverage the high volumes of historical patient and HCP data available and adopt novel approaches to create the best suitable launch plan. Key essentials for the most effective outcomes will include:
Conducting an analogue analysis to understand the market potential and estimate post-launch performances
Proactively identifying high-risk and at-risk patients based on comorbidities
Identifying the right HCPs through multi-dimensional behavioral micro-segmentation
While organizations may not be able to factor in every uncertainty while crafting their launch strategy, they can leverage the high volumes of historical patient and HCP data available and adopt novel approaches to create the best suitable launch plan. Key essentials for the most effective outcomes will include:


Vikas Mahajan
Vikas Mahajan
Lakshmi Venkatesh
Lakshmi Venkatesh