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Indegene helps a major multinational pharmaceutical company to overcome complex campaign challenges by improving quality, automation, and engagement

The Customer
A major multinational pharmaceutical company that develops and manufactures prescription biopharmaceutical medications in multiple therapeutic areas found its digital footprint to both be below market standards and customer expectations. Their campaign and technology mix lagged behind the competition because of inadequate features, unoptimized implementations, and performance issues, which resulted in constrained organic growth. The organization realized that overcoming these challenges would be necessary to enhancing its overall market performance and meeting high customer expectations.
The Challenges
Compliance, data, and quality concerns: The marketing automation platform of the organization grappled with email rendering and other quality issues. In addition, data management and compliance within the platform required optimization.
Lack of automation: Their website lacked effective integration and automation, such as syncing registrants with the CRM (customer relationship management) system or an automated email response system.
Low visibility: Some of the key brands of the organization faced low visibility. In addition, some of their brands were in the process of either being discontinued or having their brand name modified. This impacted visibility, essentially requiring a clean slate approach to priming their marketing automation platform and campaign engine for success.
Poor lead generation capabilities: Lead generation through existing channels, such as website contact forms and email marketing campaigns, was comparatively lower than market benchmarks.
Low open rates: Despite the creation of excellent content, the email open rates of the organization were consistently low for multiple brands.
Inaccurate email address validation: The current process for email address validation was inefficient and inaccurate, resulting in both delays and errors.
The Solution
New compliance, data management, and integration capabilities: The Indegene team leveraged in-house tools to enhance email rendering and quality. Cross-stream utilization and team upskilling initiatives were used to maximize tool effectiveness.
Automation implementation: Automated processes were set up to synchronize CRM registrant sources and establish an automated email reply system, resulting in minimizing manual intervention and improving efficiencies.
SMS campaign implementation: The current approach of the organization was analyzed, and a new strategy was devised that centered around sending more precise and concise messages. This shift in strategy resulted in superior outcomes such as increased open rates and stronger engagement, all through more effective outreach to mobile-first audiences with timely and relevant reminders and updates.
Utilization of social channels: To overcome poor lead generation from existing channels, the team proactively identified alternative social channels. Subsequently, a new, comprehensive lead generation strategy was created, planned, and executed to enhance visibility and drive quality lead generation.
AI-optimized email delivery: The Indegene team conducted a detailed analysis and recommended implementing a new email delivery workflow to enhance open rates, boost click-through rates, and improve customer engagement. This included complex A/B content testing workflows and leveraging the send time optimization AI feature in Einstein to enhance campaign effectiveness. Emails have been automatically triggered within optimal deployment windows.
New address validation engine: A new address validation engine was deployed to screen email addresses, ensuring their existence and deliverability. Automation was employed to track mismatches in records, resulting in a significant reduction in effort.
Indegene’s experts strategized and implemented several enhancements to the marketing operations of the organization. Through an improved QA (quality assurance) process, seamless integration of registration sources, and the implementation of SMS campaigns and strategies, the customer experienced stronger engagement, improved customer experiences, and increased open rates.
These enhancements optimized their campaigns and facilitated a significant rise in registrants through their website, validating the effectiveness of implemented strategies. The solution provided by Indegene ultimately fostered stronger connections with their audience through better customer experiences and bolstered the market presence of the organization.

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