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The power of customer 360 for life sciences: Revolutionizing omnichannel marketing with a single customer view

Life sciences organizations are engaged in a fast-paced pursuit of digital transformation – a fundamental shift in how they bring value to medical professionals, caregivers, and patients alike. In today’s life sciences market landscape, delivering value hinges on providing personalized experiences across various digital channels, including emails, websites, mobile apps, targeted ads, messaging apps, social media, surveys, webinars, and even offline touchpoints such as healthcare professional (HCP) and sales representative meetings, key opinion leader (KOL) sessions, and the physical delivery of samples, pamphlets, and brochures facilitated through digital communications.
To enable a seamless and tailored omnichannel customer journey across all these touchpoints, it is imperative to establish and activate a customer 360 view of your customer data. This holistic understanding of customers forms the bedrock for delivering exceptional personalized experiences across interconnected channels. Without the customer 360 approach, achieving such seamless experiences would remain an elusive goal.
What is a customer 360 view
Customer 360 is a holistic approach to customer data management, which consolidates and centralizes data from various touchpoints into a single unified view. By connecting online and offline data sources from customer interactions, businesses can gain a full 360-degree understanding of their customers, including HCP/patient demographic profiles, preferences for medical content and communication channels, prescription trends, insights into treatment adherence, and more.
This approach empowers enterprises to
Personalize seamlessly:
Tailoring commercial and medical campaigns to individual preferences fosters lasting connections and trust
Analyze in real time:
Real-time analysis of customer 360 profile data optimizes subsequent stages of the customer journey
Ensure unified data access:
Customer 360 ensures consistent access to accurate customer information across internal teams

How the customer 360 approach benefits your life sciences business

When businesses truly comprehend their customers, they can provide unparalleled customer experiences (CX) while simultaneously safeguarding their own competitive advantage. Gaining a complete and holistic understanding of your customers and their interactions offers significant advantages in terms of revenue growth and an enhanced customer experience. Moreover, this comprehensive approach consolidates sales, marketing, and market access data within the life sciences organization, fostering seamless integration and streamlined operations.
Boosting unknown-to-known profile conversion
Look alike modelling based on historical data
Online-offline integration and tracking
Progressive profiling campaigns
Reducing risk through global privacy regulation compliance
Journey modulation based on automated consent workflow
Data breach responses and notifications
Delivering exceptional customer experiences (CX)
Loyalty program personalization based on behaviour
Predictive analytics for personalized communication
Maximizing ROI through efficient journey orchestration
Audience suppression based on high/ low engagement across channels
Personalized marketing communication based on brand engagement level
Consumer lifetime value optimization using propensity and conversion modelling

How to achieve a 360-degree customer view

Achieving an accurate customer 360 view is not an easy task. It requires the right data strategy and an integrated MarTech ecosystem to enable a 360-degree view of your customer data, and it becomes more difficult with manual or disjointed processes. To overcome your current data challenges, there are several major elements to set in place before achieving a comprehensive customer 360 view. These elements include the following:
Collect data: The first step toward building a 360-degree customer view is collecting data from various touchpoints. This includes both online and offline customer interactions, purchases, website visits, social media engagements, and more. To achieve this, it is necessary to implement interconnected data capture mechanisms, such as web tagging, forms, surveys, and feedback channels, to gather relevant information and ensure a comprehensive data foundation. In this context, it is imperative to establish a robust mechanism for capturing and ingesting user-level data into a customer data platform (CDP), ensuring that each customer is associated with distinct and identifiable unique identifiers. Simultaneously, setting up the necessary dataset, inclusive of pertinent attributes, is pivotal to enable the seamless execution of the segmentation process.
Centralize and integrate data: Once collected, customer data must be centralized into a single repository. This consolidation enables a unified view of customer information, facilitating seamless data integration. Data from different sources, systems, and departments must be integrated to create a holistic customer profile that connects the dots and reveals valuable insights. Typically, there are 2 techniques that are utilized to integrate data from different sources, which include
Deterministic matching
Probabilistic matching
Cleanse and validate data: Data quality is crucial for accurate customer insights. Organizations must perform regular data cleansing activities to remove duplicates, standardize formats, and validate information. By ensuring data integrity, clean and reliable customer data pools can be created for decision-making and personalized engagement strategies.
Continuously update data: Customer data are dynamic and constantly evolving. Organizations must implement mechanisms to capture and update customer data regularly and monitor changes in customer preferences, track new interactions, and synchronize data from multiple sources. This ongoing data update process ensures that your customer view remains current and relevant.
Prioritize privacy and security: As you collect and manage customer data, it is important to prioritize privacy and security. Life sciences organizations must comply with privacy regulations and implement robust security measures to protect customer information, establish transparent consent mechanisms, secure data encryption, and regularly audit the data practices to maintain customer trust.

How the CDP helps

The CDP is a robust tool that plays a crucial role in unlocking the potential of customer 360. It is an out-of-the-box platform/software that provides all the necessary elements mentioned in the previous section in a packaged manner. Acting as a central hub, the CDP enables businesses to efficiently collect, organize, and activate customer data. It also empowers organizations to seamlessly unify data from diverse sources, resolve identity conflicts, and construct comprehensive customer profiles with accuracy and ease. By leveraging the CDP, life sciences organizations can harness the full power of customer data to drive personalized experiences and achieve deeper customer insights.
Let us now look at the HCP journey illustrated in the image above. This journey involves multiple touchpoints, both online and offline, such as medical representative connections, headquarters (HQ) emails, website interactions, samples, seminars, events, and more. The transition of the HCP journey from the awareness to trial phase and the trial to adoption phase is efficiently managed in real time through the CDP.
Notably, all data streams from these diverse channels converge within the CDP, culminating in the creation of a comprehensive customer 360 profile for each user. This profile metamorphosis from an unknown entity to a known entity is efficiently facilitated by an identity resolution process.
As users traverse across channels and interact with varied content, granular user-level data are captured in real time to dynamically enrich their profiles. Fascinatingly, it is worth highlighting that this orchestrated journey, triggered across each channel, is steered exclusively by the CDP through the customer 360 framework.
In essence, the CDP assumes the vital role of a conductor, crafting the customer 360 profile and harmonizing the intricate symphony of customer engagement across diverse touchpoints.
Challenges to creating a customer 360 view
Creating a comprehensive customer 360 view brings with it significant challenges due to the complex nature of life sciences data management. Let us look at some obstacles that must be overcome for organizations to effectively leverage superior customer insights.
Data silos: Life sciences organizations often encounter data silos, where critical customer information is dispersed across various departments and systems. These silos impede a holistic view of the customer, leading to fragmented insights and ineffective decision-making. Overcoming data silos requires integrating disparate sources and establishing seamless communication channels across the organization.
Data integration: Integrating diverse data sets, such as electronic health records and patient feedback, poses a challenge. The varying formats and standards of these sources complicate integration. Robust data integration strategies and technologies are essential to harmonizing data and derive insights.
Data access: Ensuring appropriate data access while maintaining security and regulatory compliance is vital in life sciences. Balancing data accessibility with privacy safeguards, especially in regulated environments, is critical. Clear protocols, user permissions, and audit trails mitigate risks associated with unauthorized access.
Data privacy: Privacy concerns, particularly regarding sensitive health information, pose challenges in achieving a Customer 360 view in life sciences. Compliance with regulations like HIPAA and GDPR requires stringent measures to protect patient confidentiality. Implementing encryption, anonymization, and consent management ensures adherence to privacy regulations while enabling meaningful engagement.

How the CDP differs from MDM and CRM solutions

Master data management (MDM), customer relationship management (CRM), and the CDP are 3 distinct approaches to data management, each serving unique purposes within an organization. To better understand their differences, let us compare them based on various aspects such as their intended audience, objectives, data scope, integration capabilities, key functionalities, data sources, focus areas, and use cases.
Customer data platform
Master data management
Customer relationship management
Intended audience
Targets marketing teams and customer-facing roles
Targets data management and IT teams
Targets sales, marketing, and customer service teams
Creates a unified 360-degree view of individual customers for marketing and engagement
Manages and maintains core data entities like customers, products, and suppliers
Manages customer relationships, sales processes, and customer interactions
Data scope
Focuses on a wide range of customer data, including demographics, transactions, and interactions
Focuses on core business data elements and attributes
Focuses on customer-specific data like contact details, sales activities, and communication history
Integration capabilities
Integrates data from multiple sources, both internal and external
Integrates data from various systems and applications within an organization, including external data sources
Integrates data from various touchpoints, including sales, marketing, and customer service
Key functionalities
Implements customer profiling, segmentation, personalized marketing, and campaign management
Implements data consolidation, data governance, and elimination of data silos
Implements lead management, opportunity tracking, sales forecasting, and customer service
Data sources
Consolidates data from CRM systems, web analytics tools, marketing platforms, social media, etc.
Consolidates data from internal systems, databases, applications, and external data sources
Consolidates information from sales activities, customer interactions, marketing campaigns, customer inquiries, etc.
Focus area
Provides a comprehensive view of customer behaviours, preferences, and interactions
Provides data consistency, accuracy, integrity, and operational efficiency
Provides customer relationship, customer service, and sales management processes and process improvements
Use cases
Manages personalized marketing, customer segmentation, targeted campaigns, and customer engagement
Manages data-driven decision-making, regulatory compliance, and data quality
Manages sales pipelines, customer acquisition, customer retention, and customer service
Next steps
The power of customer 360 should not be underestimated because more customers and HCPs interact with brands online and across multiple channels. By establishing a holistic understanding of customers, life sciences organizations can deliver personalized experiences that drive revenue growth, enhance customer satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge.
However, achieving a 360-degree customer view requires a strategic approach to the collection, integration, analysis, and ongoing maintenance of your customer data. By leveraging the capabilities of the CDP, organizations can unlock the full potential of customer 360 and elevate their customer experience to new heights.
Learn more about how you can get started with choosing the right CDP for your life sciences business with our new CDP starter kit.


Vivek Prakash
Vivek Prakash
Sneha Ushir
Sneha Ushir