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Transforming life sciences: Personalized experiences through end-to-end content supply chain digitization

25 May 2023

Personalization at its core involves leveraging data to share messages that resonate with the target audience, and in the life sciences industry, it includes patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs). Whether it is displaying banners based on the HCP journey or sending a customized email that matches the interest of the patients, content and technology form the foundation of personalization.

Importance of delivering a personalized experience

Delivering personalized experiences has become a strategic and competitive imperative for life sciences organizations. This becomes particularly important as HCPs and patients have abundant information at hand, and cutting through that noise to engage them with tailored messages is a feat altogether. Personalization, when implemented successfully can enhance engagement, improve patient outcomes, and ensure cost-efficiencies.

This is where tech-enabled content supply chain can make a significant difference in delivering exceptional experiences. Wondering how? Content sits at the heart of customer experience (CX) and is core to commercial transformation and success of life science and healthcare organizations. A great content strategy can create resilient bonds between the brand and the audience. However, life sciences organizations have struggled to build an effective and efficient content strategy that can keep pace with the ever-evolving CX landscape.

Challenges in building life sciences content strategy that delivers personalized experiences

Let us closely look at some of the major obstacles in the personalization journey.

Customer expectations for omnichannel experiences

Each customer is dynamic and multidimensional; they do not shy away from experiencing new forms of engagement. They expect to be engaged where they are (channels) with the information (content) they need and at a time (cadence) of their convenience. Content strategies on the other hand have remained static, unidimensional, and constrained by archaic processes and systems. As a result, they have failed to fully satisfy the omnichannel expectations of customers.

The evolving role of the patient

Life sciences organizations have mainly focused on honing relationships with healthcare providers (HCPs). They have heavily relied on HCPs to provide insights regarding patient preferences and challenges. However, with a surge in patients consuming medical content through numerous health-focused digital platforms, they have now become active participants in their health journeys. They want to form direct relationships with life sciences organizations and wish to be actively engaged by them. Yet, life sciences organizations have so far failed to deliver.

Uninspired payer reach outs

Payers play a critical role in ensuring that innovative therapies reach patients who need them. Yet, to date, life sciences companies have shied away from engaging them beyond the standard account manager and medical science liaison-driven reach outs. To strengthen their relationship with the payer community and to gain their trust, life sciences organizations need to rethink their payer engagement models. They need to leverage relevant communication channels to demonstrate the value of their drug and communicate their indisputable focus on improving patient outcomes.

These disruptive changes have put tremendous pressure on life sciences’ traditional and human-dependent content supply chain to provide personalized content across channels and geographies. Although several forward-thinking organizations have managed to build capabilities to streamline and scale their content operations, several others have found it hard to keep up, and here’s why.

A labor-intensive approach to content production
A deficient MarTech stack
Fragmented marketing operations
Strict regulatory restrictions
A feeble data-driven performance framework

These challenges have resulted in content redundancies, duplication of effort, significant cost inefficiencies, and, also, negatively impacted the CX delivered. Limited access to data-driven insights to optimize content performance have also prevented marketers from making changes on the go.

So, how can life sciences companies adopt a fast, efficient, and cost-effective approach to deliver personalized content at scale? The answer lies in a technology-led and innovative content supply chain that can keep up with the volume, variety, and velocity of content required to service the diverse channels.

Over the last ten years, Veeva and Indegene have supported numerous life sciences organizations to strengthen their content operations and add value to customer interactions. Their integrated solutions enable the end-to-end digitization of the content supply chain and empower life sciences organizations in their pursuit to provide a personalized experience at scale.

By combining Veeva’s Vault PromoMats for medical, legal, and regulatory (MLR) review, digital asset management (DAM), and modular content with Indegene’s NEXT technology platforms for automated modular content creation, organizations can improve content reuse, accelerate their speed to market for campaigns and drive significant cost savings in the long run.

We Will Enable an Integrated Tech-Ecosystem to Deliver Outcomes at Scale

Indegene's seamless tech architecture maximizes the value of Veeva DAM and accelerates the content life cycle

Technology enables an easier path to achieving business KPIs

Content re-use
KPI : existing content reuse + modules repurposing across markets from global
Content velocity
KPI : overall increased asset production speed
Review cycles
KPI : reduced time for MLR reviews and approval
DAM utilization
KPI : increase in volume of assets in DAM utilization
Content efficiency
KPI : faster content creation
Content effectiveness
KPI : overall customer engagement rates

Here’s how it works

Plan and extract

Indegene’s NEXT Content Collaboration builds coherent brand, content, and campaign strategies and helps brand teams to initiate workflows and define and track budgets and spending. Following this, the NEXT Commercial Content Intelligenceplatform extracts and deconstructs content components derived from the existing master content assets and converts them into machine-readable structured data.

Create, review, approve, and store

These harvested and data-enriched components are fed into Veeva Vault PromoMats Digital Asset Management solution. components, approved promotional claims, and other text assets can be combined into content modules, then reviewed and approved through MLR. Approved modules are then sent to Indegene’s NEXT Grid Management platform to build channel-agnostic grids that can be transformed into a multitude of content assets.

Author and deliver

Finally, Indegene’s NEXT Tactic Management platform extracts these modules and grids from Vault PromoMats to create personalized tactics such as emails, banners, and e-detail, using pre-defined templates. These tactics, if all content combinations are pre-approved through MLR in Vault PromoMats, can then be sent to marketing automation platforms for the campaign execution and generation of analytics, driving more refined content personalization.

There are several benefits that life sciences organizations can derive from such a technology-led and machine-driven content supply chain. Some of these include:

Content personalization at scale
Improved coordination and efficiency of content operations
Scalability of operations across brands, markets, and geographies
Improved content compliance
Faster time-to-market through shorter review cycles
Significant cost savings through improved content reuse

The way forward

We are witnessing a prominent transition toward a new way of doing things in the life sciences’ content operations space. By leveraging Indegene’s and Veeva’s integrated solutions, life sciences organizations will be able to transform their existing content supply chain and achieve exponential personalization of compliant content that cuts through the noise and helps the customer feel connected to the brand.


Jhanvi Dhawan
Jhanvi Dhawan
Durgagauri Sabnis, PhD
Durgagauri Sabnis, PhD

Insights to build #FutureReadyHealthcare