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Indegene helps to elevate the domain authority of a scientific information website through off-page optimizations

The Customer
A global, pharmaceutical industry-focused educational platform with a focus on nanomedicine and nanoscience uses their flagship website to target scientific and academic communities in the US and EU regions. The website serves as a valuable source of information, providing users with videos, articles, and educational resources to deepen their understanding and knowledge of nanomedicine.
However, when considering the competition, the website of the company lacked crucial features and struggled with performance, hindering organic growth. The company realized that they needed to overcome significant challenges in order to improve the overall organic performance and popularity of the website.
Low domain authority: Their recently launched website exhibited limited online visibility because of a lack of backlinks and a lower domain rating, hindering its discoverability in an increasingly competitive market.
Low number of backlinks: Establishing credibility within the pharmaceutical industry is highly dependent on acquiring backlinks from reputable sources. However, despite the creation of excellent content, creating a network of trustworthy external pharmaceutical websites and content via backlinks presented a formidable challenge.
Lack of brand awareness and credibility: In a niche that values accuracy and reliability, building trust and a good reputation is crucial. The website lacked the content optimization required to establish itself as an authority, and build brand awareness and value.
Limited visibility on search engines: Boosting the domain rating of the website posed a challenge because of the restricted number of keywords it ranked for, necessitating a comprehensive SEO approach to expand its visibility and relevance within the results generated by search engines.
The Solution
Target audience identification: As a first step, Indegene’s life sciences SEO experts identified, defined, and formalized the target audience of the company, which eventually also helped in finding relevant websites and platforms for backlinking.
Competitor analysis: The Indegene team analyzed the backlink profiles of the company’s competitors to identify potential linking opportunities and understand their backlinking approach.
Link prospecting: The team researched authoritative and relevant websites, blogs, or publications within the space that could benefit from the company’s owned content. These included industry publications, influential blogs, resource pages, and forums.
Outreach to authoritative websites: Indegene’s team contacted and built relationships with shortlisted websites using personalized emails and messages, which, in turn, helped in building genuine connections by highlighting the value that the owned content of the company offers to their audience.
Monitoring and maintenance: In addition, the team regularly monitored and maintained backlinks by keeping track of acquired backlinks and ensuring they remained active. Monitoring the quality and relevance of the linking websites proved to be a key success driver.
Indegene’s SEO team secured collaborations with industry leaders through strategic partnerships and ethical link-building tactics. This resulted in a diverse, high-quality backlink profile that shunned low-value links and amplified the domain authority and organic reach of the website. The resulting boost in organic performance validated the effectiveness of the outreach campaign, ultimately translating into tangible user views, engagement, and conversions on the website.

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